

How to get Stromboli

Sciara del Fuoco

Trekking / Climbing

Stromboli Swimming

Stromboli The Romantic

Stromboli Day and Night

Three Islands on Tour

Three Islands + Stromboli

Four Islands on Tour

Stromboli Low Cost

Panarea - Stromboli

Volcanologist Guides
Bed & Breakfast Hotels
Excursions Stromboli
Trekking Volcanoes Windmills
Stromboli Tickets
Photo Gallery




































































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The trekking of Stromboli volcano is a tourist or sporting excursion based on mountain climbing, with itineraries that offer safety with a volcanologist and / or Alpine guide.

During the ascent, to reach the Stromboli, the hiker must have respect for the environment and not to move away from the group to avoid getting lost in the mountain.

The hiker preparing to climb the Stromboli before departure should listen to the signs of the volcanologist guide during the ascent to the Stromboli crater.

Among the main things that the hiker will have to ensure before departure, which starts from Piazza San Vincenzo is the clothing, equipment and stocks of water and food.

The dress code of the Stromboli hiker, is a sweater, long pants, ideal hiking shoes, t-shirts, a sweatshirt and a torch.

The trekking of the volcano Stromboli, is a special experience, beautiful, unforgettable. The excursion to Stromboli begins at the end of the afternoon and lasts 5/6 hours.

The climb to the crater of Stromboli no is difficult, but not suitable for people in poor health.

Absolute silence will be observed by hikers to discover and admire small eruptions, including smoke, lapilli and a beautiful starry sky.

Trekking is one of the many tourist attractions for those who decide to spend your vacation in the Aeolian Islands.

The scenario presented in the eyes of the hiker will be wonderful and unforgettable.

La Clarissa Viaggi has developed programs that will allow tourists to enjoy this wonderful experience to reach the island of Stromboli from the ports, Vulcano, Lipari and Milazzo.

For those who spend their holidays on the islands of Lipari and Vulcano, with weekly departures from the ports of Levante de Vulcano and the port of Marina Corta Lipari, private boats will make departures which provides for the sea trip to Stromboli , Authorized volcanologist guide and climbing volcano Stromboli.

Departures from Vulcano and / or Lipari are at the end of the morning. Before arrival in Stromboli there is a brief stop on the island of Panarea, to allow passengers to visit the island.

On arrival on the island of Stromboli, go with the volcanologist guide. The latter will carry out the necessary checks. And at the end of the afternoon, departure for the Stromboli excursion

The return, after about six hours, to the starting point.

Embarkation on the boat to return to the island of origin Vulcano or Lipari.

Trekking Climbing Stromboli volcano Departures from Milazzo
Trekking Climbing Stromboli volcano Departures from Lipari
Trekking Climbing Stromboli volcano Departures from Vulcano



tag pagina: sicily, stromboli, excursion crater stromboli, slope of fire, ginostra, trekking, eruption volcano stromboli, climbing crater stromboli, lipari, salina, aeolian islands, panarea, alicudi, filicudi, strombolicchio, vulcano, hotel stromboli etna, stromboli by night, boat tours stromboli, Excursion to the Island of Stromboli, an active volcano belonging to the Aeolian Islands, Sicily. Stromboli is a favourite destination for excursionists. The climbing of the crater offers an unforgettable view of volcanic explosions. Boat trips are another dramatic way to enjoy the Slope of Fire (Sciara del Fuoco) by night. By day, boat tours with diving from the boat



Clarissa Viaggi Milazzo (ME)  Sicily - Italy


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